Donations and our Economic Model:

The Exodus Ensemble is a community-supported professional theatre company. We are a nonprofit with 501(c)(3) status, and all donations to Exodus are tax deductible to the extent of the law. Exodus employs thirteen ensemble members who develop, rehearse, and perform our original experiences.

Exodus thrives on limited, intimate audiences. If we sold tickets, IVANOV (audiences of 8-10) would cost about $300 per person and tickets to BATHSHEBA and JAYSON (audiences of 20-25) would cost about $150 per person, preventing many people from experiencing our immersive theatre. We want everybody to experience an Exodus event, regardless of their income, and we pride ourselves on an amazing cross-section of audiences: on any given night, 20 year olds, 80 year olds, minimum-wagers and maximum-wagers fill our "seats." We ask all audiences to pay what they can — and what they feel the value is — for an Exodus Experience.

For low-income folks (like us!), we suggest a donation between $25-50. If you can’t donate at all, that's okay! We really want you to come, and you can still help us out by spreading the word. Our donors are an essential part of keeping The Exodus Ensemble in Santa Fe and supporting our journey to touring our experiences nationally and internationally.

To run our company and keep our doors open for 5-8 performances a week for audiences of ALL KINDS, we need to raise over $600,000 this year. Our tickets are free. Our audiences are massively intersectional. Our vision is global. Exodus is redefining live experiences and changing the face of what theatre can be. Be a part of the movement, baby!