January 2023

NYC January 2023

Association of Performing Arts Professionals Conference gets a sneak peak of EXODUS staples

In just a week’s time, we rehearsed and translated BATHSHEBA and IVANOV into the 5-story Maravel Arts Center, constructed a super-sexy media-saturated Exodus BOOTH in the conference’s exhibition hall — which featured a brand new video peeking into the wild world of EXODUS — and performed nine showcases (in three days!) for audiences in New York City.

The reception to our work was nothing short of incredible. The APAP conference attracts thousands of attendees in the touring industry, and we were heartened to find that Exodus Experiences resonate with and enliven folks from all over the world. We were even lucky enough to get reviewed in No Proscenium, the foremost guide to everything immersive. Check out the review here!


a new adaptation created by The Exodus Ensemble

(a sample)


a new cult classic, the sophomore Exodus Ensemble adaptation

(a sample)

“Repertory has been a staple part of theater companies for hundreds of years, but this is the first time that I have seen the model truly integrated with immersive theater. To not only have multiple shows produced, fully written, and ready to be performed, but to also be confident enough to be able to preview a portion of the experience while in a temporary space in an unfamiliar city, shows a young team that are looking to make big waves in the immersive scene with their flexibility and willingness to “make-it-work” in whatever space.” - Edward Mylechreest, New York City Correspondent

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